Wednesday 11 June 2014

Tribunal, Therapy and the Waiting Game

We attempted another relaxing weekend and seemed to achieve this, for Boy Wonder anyway! Cat Girl's weekend was full of parties, horse riding and  other stuff but she enjoyed it so all was good. Boy Wonder appeared to be fairly relaxed throughout except for one observed vacant episode which lasted approximately ten seconds.

We bought some therapy equipment over the weekend which included a gym ball, weights and stretch bands. After seeing the OT on Friday, we have decided that we need to put some proprioception exercises into the evening routine to help him to settle. Making the decision to install formal therapy sessions into Boy Wonder's routine is an odd one. It would be second nature to have physio sessions with a child who has a physical disability but with Boy Wonder we seem to continue to battle with the concept of 'normal.' However as discussed many a time in recent weeks we are coming to the conclusion that therapies, specialised support and protected sessions as appossed  to run of the mill opportunities, are the way forward. The logic being that by investing early and protecting Boy Wonder from his uncontrolled impulses, he will learn the skills required to develop his independence for his teenage and adult life, maybe.

Monday brought the day of the tribunal hearing which was beyond difficult. The half day session stretched into a full day and the judge grilled everyone one by one. This was quite different to the last tribunal as the judge and panel there went easy on us and grilled the local authority only. All of our witnesses stood their ground and in the end we felt that we had said what needed to be said. They all commented that this was one of the hardest tribunals that they had attended and between them they have notched up a fair few! The local authority spoke more than they did last time but appeared to skate over matters, claiming that they knew Boy Wonder and were knowledgable of his complex diagnosis. However, they struggled to back this up and as a concequence, a few chinks appeared in their armour.

Now it is a two week waiting game. In the meantime we are looking at our options, one being to have Boy Wonder assessed by a specialist school for children with autism where the full curriculum is taught as well as a social and emotion programme. We are hoping to get this done before the end of term.

I spoke with Boy Wonder's Consultant yesterday about our concerns with his health which were also discussed at the tribunal. She brought his appointment  forward for next week. He also has his EEG on Friday of this week so the results should be back for the appointment.

The last couple of days have been uneventful. No responsibility has been taken for the swallowing incident and getting them to observe for any future incidents is difficult to say the least!

The therapy sessions have started to have a positive affect so far as Boy Wonder's sleep pattern is very slowly improving.


  1. I hope Boy Wonders sleep pattern continues to improve. Let's also hope the two week wait for the outcome is worth waiting for xx

  2. A tense couple of weeks to come, hopefully bw's sleeping will help. You seem to doing all you can - good parents xxxxxx
