Sunday 29 June 2014

The Calming Sun Rise!

Although Boy Wonder had a fairly settled evening, he hardly slept and got himself up at 3am stating that he had heard the birds and wanted to see the sun rise! Superman coaxed him back to bed, explaining that it was a bit early, however whether he actually went back to sleep is doubtful!

Thursday was a better day at school although the end of day excitability / hyperactivity started early and he was at full throttle when I collected him.  He raced onto the school field and started to kick a football around, immediately getting into a scrape with another child. We left to go to dance and ju Jitsu before things escalated further!

Boy Wonder had a more settled dance session and enjoyed his first session back at football. Cat Girl managed to tie her ju Jitsu belt ( obi) all by herself which is not easy! We were very impressed .

It was the school summer fayre on Friday and in true British style the rain was set in for the day. I arrived at school after lunch to help set up and as previously agreed with his teacher, gave Boy Wonder his top up medication at 3pm. She was concerned how he would cope towards the end of the day and the opening singing for the Summer Fayre, I was concerned about how he would be at the summer fayre!   Superman said that he didn't look too good at the singing as he was very distracted and fidgety. We let him do his own thing at the fayre and he mainly stayed at the penalty shoot out. Getting him to eat was am impossible task and so he left to go to Ju Jitsu with a burger that he picked at in the car.

I spoke with the head during the course of the day, just a general catch up, and mentioned the lack of sleep due to wanting to watch the sun rise. She put her hand to her mouth and gasped. This was followed by a ' I think that might be me!' Apparently she had told the children in assembly that she was woken up the other morning by the birds singing. She got up and watched the sun rise and it was beautiful and calming. She then apologised profusely and we both laughed.

Cat Girl and I stayed behind at the fayre to clear up and then met the boys at home later. Boy Wonder didn't settle until very late but when he did go to sleep stayed there until 9am.

Boy Wonder had his grading today and moved on to his blue/ black belt in ju Jitsu. He now wants to enter a competition in September so hopefully this will respark his interest. The rest of the morning was spent getting photos for his Oliver performance licence and his football team membership. The photos aren't at all flattering but they do the job!

The afternoon was spent with the boy next door who stayed for tea. Boy Wonder was fairly settled throughout the day which was nice. He settled down at 10pm and appeared to be asleep before midnight which is unheard of lately.

1 comment:

  1. The comment from the teacher about the sun rise made me laugh. Xx
