Wednesday 4 June 2014

School Sucks!

The holidays ended abruptly and school was upon us before we knew it. The last day was spent viewing a specialist school which was a total sanctuary. I would finally relax knowing that Boy Wonder was being cared for there, however our cautious side thinks that it may be a little too nurturing and not allow him to develop to his full potential.

The afternoon was spent at Art Therapy which Boy Wonder loves. The therapist explained that during the session the week before Boy Wonder was overly tired and quiet which was not like him. He also suggested a review of the sessions and possible reduction. I asked if this could be left until the summer holidays as there is so much going on for him at the moment that the art therapy remains the only real constant in the school day. This was agreed.

After a couple of hours with cousins and a swimming session, we attempted to settle them down for an early night due to school the next day. This wasn't an easy task as Boy Wonder was clearly fretting about the return. As a result he remained awake for quite some time.

The first day back as school brought immediate discussions about seizure monitoring and observations. The school agreed to put this in place for the next week. On picking them up from after school club, Boy Wonder greeted me with a repetition of 'school sucks' gangster style. After little success in shutting him up we left and spoke about his day in the car. He basically said that be had been bad all day as he is a silly boy. The diary reflected this somewhat.

The evening only proved to escalate matters and as a result he ended up out of control, throwing himself around and hitting himself over and over and having to be held. He later went in the bath to try and settle him but this proved only to give the bathroom a thorough wash!

Boy Wonder paced up and downstairs for most of the evening and into the night and was very late settling down.

Cat Girl had a lovely first day back at school and has learnt the Gingerbread Man story which she told us all about,  changing the end as she didn't like it!

We visited another school today which was for the more academically able child with autism. Out of the schools we have seen, this one seems to tick the boxes although I am still drawn to the one from the day before. It is just an information gathering exercise at the moment, however. We will have to see what next Monday brings.

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