Monday 2 June 2014

Hold on to Your Hats!

Our intention was to have a quiet weekend; the calm before the storm. The weather was dull and overcast so we had a lazy morning and then went to the sports shop to get Cat Girl a horse riding vest and Boy Wonder some trainers.  Neither proved easy as apparently five year olds don't ride without lead so don't need vests. Needless to say that the smallest vest has a little growing room! Boy Wonder was happy to have new trainers as long as they were exactly the same as his old ones. This was an impossible task as they didn't have any so he settled on the same colour but a different brand. This was made acceptable by the fact that Lionel Messi wears football boots made by the accepted brand.

The afternoon was spent at home. Boy Wonder appeared to be a bit quieter than usual. I took the opportunity to speak to him about the vacant episodes and see if he was aware of them, being very clear that they were nothing to worry about it was just something that the Doctor was asking about.
To my surprise he immediately recalled the vacant episode in the hospital ( that I didn't mention to him at the time.) and when in Biker Gramps car. Later that afternoon he told us that it had happened again whilst we were all talking in kitchen. He said that be missed some of our conversation.

Today brought some glorious sun shine. Cat Girl had a very good horseriding lesson with her new vest which seemed to instill confidence in her. We came home and spent the rest of the day in the garden playing and digging to put down grass seed. Boy Wonder and Cat Girl helped to paint the fence but really only succeeded in painting themselves!

Super Gran and Biker Gramps visited and got set on as drink makers and child entertainers. By this point Boy Wonder had retreated upstairs. To re engage him we later went to the local pub garden with Boy Genius and family. It would be fair to say that the sun and hive of activity probably didn't serve as a good mix and BoyWonder became very loud and hyperactive and Boy Genius, frustrated.   However all children got an airing before we came home and settled down.

One more day off of school until they return. This could potentially be a very volatile week with Boy Wonder settling back in, seizure monitoring ( or possible refusal?) and tensions riding high in the week leading up to the tribunal. Hold on to your hats, it's going to be a bumpy ride!

1 comment:

  1. We will be with you all the way. Just shout if you need anything!! I will buy extra strong hat pins so I do not lose my hat. It's a traumatic time but we have got to stay optimistic.
