Monday 23 June 2014

New Weapons!

The sun shone this weekend and brought with it a fairly stable Boy Wonder, but not without sparks of  agitation. We didn't do huge amounts other than dance, playing in the garden and a trip to the local pub garden which all remained fairly positive.

The sparks came from the World Cup games that Boy Wonder had concreted into his head that he HAD to watch, no matter how much we explained to him that some were just too late. This caused tears, anger and anxiety which meant that on Saturday night he remained awake until 5am on Sunday morning as he couldn't settle. He came into us full of life telling us he wanted a cuddle, climbed into our bed and was asleep in less than a few minutes.

As a concequence of Saturday night, Boy Wonder remained in bed until midday. Once up he was very subdued and lethargic. This remained a constant throughout the day with a number of episodes where he just stared into space.

After a couple of hours in the country pub garden with family, we came home and they played football in the garden. Boy Wonder slept a little better on Sunday night.

Today, Boy Wonder took his pyramid into school that he had made at art therapy. This was for his project. He was particularly fascinated by the sandpaper texture, so much so that I thought he would take the skin off his fingers by continuously rubbing at it!

Boy Wonder attended art therapy again this afternoon and came home with wooden Mine Craft tools that he had made. As wonderful as they are, it took a matter of seconds before he started wafting them about with little consideration for anything around him.  Probably not the therapist's finest moment!

This evening Boy Wonder came swimming whilst Cat Girl had her lesson. He was reluctant at first but after much protesting actually got in and enjoyed himself . Once home they played outside with the neighbours until it was time for bed.

Cat Girl settled down and Boy Wonder watched some football before going to bed.

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