Wednesday 21 May 2014

Where's my lipstick?!

After a weekend of volatile behaviour from Boy Wonder, he managed to sleep for twelve hours solid through to the next morning which is unheard of. We got up and ready for school, Boy Wonder still being stressy but high with it.

Biker Gramps picked Boy Wonder up from school for Art therapy. On the way he said that he was chatting away as normal but mid sentence stopped and slumped in his car seat looking like he had fallen to sleep. On checking him, he roused but said he was tired and went to sleep for the rest of the journey. It seemed very odd as Boy Wonder struggles to sleep at the best of times, he had had a twelve hour sleep the night before, he stopped mid sentence and his aggression over the weekend had heightened.  This seemed to point to a seizure but we couldn't be
100% sure. It would be a shame if it was though as he hasn't had one for well over a year.

Monday night was the first of the dance shows and it went very well. Cat Girl came to watch with us and really enjoyed it until she got tired towards the end! Boy Wonder sang nice and loudly, danced well and even smiled! When we picked him up at the end he was very happy.  Once home he settled quite well.

Tuesday brought a slight change in routine as Superman and I were visiting a school with a specialism in autism. We dropped the children off at breakfast club  and left them with a note to give Boy Wonder's teacher about Monday afternoon's episode. In the note it asked them to be aware and report any changes.

After the school visit that went well and gave us more of an idea about what is available, we suddenly realised that Boy Wonder hadn't had his ADHD medication. It was 10.45am. I rang the school and told them and was told that he was very hyper by the receptionist! I arrived and gave him his tablet and he was indeed climbing the walls, using his baby voice, bouncing about and shouting. I explained that the medication should take effect in about an hour. It was of great concern that they hadn't rung to inform us of his change in presentation, especially as it was so obviously different. I spoke to the school about this the following morning and was told that they didn't think they needed to ring as he was manageable. They had increased movement breaks and he had to be moved to his 'quiet' table where he drew his cat, but this was managing.  I asked if they would have 'managed' all day if we hadn't realised and was told 'yes, probably.'

I spoke with Boy Wonder's Doctor about the episode and she explained that she wanted some specific things monitoring and would review him at his next appointment which would be brought forward. She said that she would put her requirements in a letter to support with consistency of  the observations.

The last two nights of the dance show went very well and Boy Wonder was sad that it was ending. He made a good friend with a slightly older boy and this seems to have really helped him to get past being worried about what other people think about him dancing. So much so he was demanding hairspray, blusher and lipstick before he left home for the last show!

Now to prepare for 'Oliver' in November. We need to think a bit more about his adhd medication before then as by the time it gets to 9pm, it is out of his system. This was fairly noticeable during the dance show but will be more difficult to 'hide' in music theatre. We have a bit of time to work it out though!

Thank you to everyone that came to watch!!

1 comment:

  1. He is a fantastic little dancer. So proud of my Boy wonder. Let's hope between now and his next show the medication, and school support in place he will be in a better place xx
