Thursday 1 May 2014

Communication Fail

This morning was the typical madness of attempting to get Boy Wonder up, showered and dressed. This was further complicated by Cat Girl getting upset as she didn't want to go to school. We got through it, collected our bags and headed off.

It was a short day at school for Boy Wonder as I was collecting him for a hospital appointment in the afternoon. I agreed to pick him up from swimming rather than leave him at school with the older junior class. The teacher being the one that has upset him quite badly on two occasions. They couldn't understand why I insisted on this?!

I arrived at the swimming baths a little early and went inside to wait for them to arrive. They left the bus in an orderly fashion with Boy Wonder  attached to a teaching assistant. I wasn't sure if this was for my benefit as Boy Wonder had said to them that he had spotted my car. I met them on reception and we left for the hospital.

Boy Wonder was a little quiet on the way to the hospital and wasn't too happy when I told him that he would need to engage a little with the Doctor. However we agreed that be could play on the wii first so he accepted my request. When we arrived he was weighed and measured. He has grown a little but his weight has remained static. Not great news but at least he hasn't lost any.

We waited to see the Doctor and Boy Wonder started to liven up. It was just after 3pm which is the usual time that the medication starts to wear off. I went into the room first and Boy Wonder agreed to join us as soon as he finished his wii game of tennis. At approximately five minutes there was a knock on the door and a nurse came in saying that Boy Wonder was ready to join us. He then crawled through the door pushing a young child fire truck toy, followed by an ambulance and a lorry. I asked him to say hello but he was more focused on the toys. As we talked his play became more elaborate and then he started to climb on the chairs and attempted up sit on my shoulders. When I talked to the Doctor about his morning routine he started to crawl around the room pretending to be his cat. The Doctor said that there was a noticeable difference in him and whilst he seems happier, he certainly isn't stable. She requested to increase his ADHD medication again. Whilst she was writing the prescription, Boy Wonder noticed a dead fly on the floor and started to shout and squeal in panic. I reassured him and moved it quickly.

We left the hospital and went to music theatre where I read the report that they had written for the tribunal. It was well written, concise and modest but said what it needed to say. I collected Cat Girl from ju Jitsu where Grandad had dropped her off earlier and then went back got Boy Wonder.

We returned home and the children played before bed. Boy Wonder settled late again.

In the morning we introduced the medication increase and it did actually feel that he was a little calmer throughout his morning routine. After a rather sad email from the OT saying that due to family illness she couldn't attend the pre meet or the TAC,  we went to school. I spoke to the TA about the OT not coming into school as I didn't want them waiting for her. She said that she would pass it on to the teacher.

After a few hours of number crunching at work ( the dreaded payroll!) I returned to pick the children up from school. I asked the teacher if she had received the message about the OT, she hadn't. I told her. Boy Wonder then complained of a sharp, stabbing headache in the front of his head, saying that he had, had it for two days. I asked his teacher if he had said anything and she said no. I asked Boy Wonder if he had told anyone  and he said the TA. The teacher said that she wasn't aware. I asked her if she had noticed a difference in him during the day and she said no. Today has certainly been a major fail as far as communication is concerned but unfortunately isn't unique.

Boy Wonder did appear off it and had a raised temperature. I gave him some paracetamol and asked him to rest and he did with no protest. After about an hour he started to look a bit better but we agreed that he would spend the evening resting. However, it did take him until 2am to fall to sleep!

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