Sunday 18 May 2014


Friday morning saw an ultimate low from Boy Wonder. There appeared to be no particular reason for it except maybe exhaustion! We got ready for school, Cat Girl being very excited as it was the last day before the weekend and we had promised her the paddling pool out!

Boy Wonder slumped into school and completely ignored the other children who spoke to him. He remained quiet for most of the day but seemed to pick up later at home when his cousin came over.

The weekend was fairly busy with dance show rehearsals both Saturday and Sunday which Boy Wonder coped well with. However, Saturday afternoon and evening, he became quite agitated and verbally aggressive. Boy Wonder was not holding it together too well at all which resulted in a massive show down before bed! He eventually fell to sleep at 10pm but was up and about again from 3.30am.

On Sunday after a very good rehearsal, Boy Wonder immediately  became hyper. However when supported to settle he became agitated. The afternoon was a combination of shouting, hitting himself and others and generally not coping too well at all. The ice cream van came and Boy Wonder ran to it bare foot, demanded a bubble him lolly to which I said no due to the ridiculous amount of food colouring on it, and then shouted in the street about how unfair everything was.

After running some energy off outside with the boy next door and playing in the  paddling pool. ( It was very warm !) he and Cat Girl came in and had a bath, one after the other . Two sets of grandparents had been over for the afternoon to help move the chicken shed, he had engaged little at times except for an over exaggerated welcome when he returned from the rehearsal.  Just after 8pm Boy Wonder got into bed and with his weighted blanket on was asleep within half an hour.

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