Wednesday 28 May 2014

More Vacant Episodes

The rain stopped play on Tuesday but plan B turned out to be just as fun. We had a lazy morning and then went off to the supermarket to get some ingredients for an afternoon baking session with Supergran and Biker Gramps.

We only went to the small supermarket as Boy Wonder can cope okay in there. It isn't usually busy and it doesn't echo like the bigger ones. When we arrived I sent him off on little errands to fetch items  that we needed. He enjoys this as it keeps him occupied. We arrived at the checkout with a very full trolley and started to unload it. When it came to our turn he became fixated on the till and how much the shopping was costing. As it went over £100 he started to panic and needed to be reassured over and over that it was okay and we could afford it. I explained that it is usually a lot more expensive in the bigger supermarket and that this was actually quite cheap. He remained unconvinced.

We moved over to the packing bench where he and Cat Girl sat whilst I put the shopping into bags. During the packing I was stood very close to Boy Wonder and noticed that he had three vacant episodes lasting approximately 5 seconds, one after the other. In between them I asked him if he was okay and he appeared confused. He stared into space during the episodes. There wasn't any twitching or other signs to note. Afterwards we went back to the car and he seemed to be very quiet.

Throughout the afternoon we baked with Supergran. Biker Gramps did some painting and drawing with Cat Girl. She chose to paint a snowman picture! Boy Wonder was oddly compliant throughout the afternoon and very quiet. Eventually I allowed him to go and rest in his room and after a couple of hours of this ( and several checks on him) he seemed to liven up again.

Today Boy Wonder and his friend went to an outdoor activity centre where they did archery, climbing and canoeing. The staff said that Boy Wonder appeared fine throughout the day with no obvious seizure activity although it was obvious when his medication wore off and he needed a top up! She also commented on the boys relationship and how they got on really well but fell out quite a bit. However, as she intervened to try and help them through their misunderstandings, they would appear to just forget about the problem and be best buddies again! I think she found this quite fascinating!

I spoke with Boy Wonder's Consultant again today to update her on the vacant episodes. She said that she had already re requested an urgent EEG after getting my message this morning and said that she would  call school directly to ensure that he is monitored sufficiently.   She reiterated that any concerning episodes or difficulties and Boy Wonder should be taken to A+E to be monitored. I later emailed the Consultant Psychiatrist to update her on the episodes.

Once home Boy Wonder played on his computer and Cat Girl settled down early. We had been out for the afternoon whilst BoyWonder was out and she had been sick. She then complained of being hot and then cold and having earache. Hopefully she will feel brighter in the morning.  

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