Friday 9 May 2014


Thursday brought challenges and quite simply was a day from hell.  Boy Wonder was continuing to start the day on the ceiling and my tiredness didn't make managing him very easy. It becomes a long week when every day starts out with an intensive work out!

We arrived at school to be told by the TA that Boy Wonder had been very lively towards the end of yesterday, to the point that he need several prompts to settle him. However none of this was written in his book so unlikely to be acknowledged as anything but a comment.

We received some news today that was good and not so good at the same time. A child in Boy Wonder's class is receiving support to obtain a statement which is great news as their needs are being recognised and the family deserve a break. It's hard work this additional needs parenting lark! However we can't help but feel like we have been kicked in the teeth by the system for their blatant disregard of  Boy Wonder's needs.

On picking the children up from school, Boy Wonder was very lively and jumping at me constantly as his teacher was talking to me. His teacher eventually told him to stop and was a little surprised that he ignored her and carried on. After repeating the same instruction to him a few times he did start to settle. His teacher said that Boy Wonder had asked to change his trousers towards the end of the day but didn't seem concerned or anxious about doing this which was odd.

After clubs we went home and later on I spoke with Boy Wonder about why his trousers had become wet. He initially said that he had caught his trousers whilst going to the toilet but as I said 'okay,' he quickly said ' it wasn't me, a boy wee'd on me in the toilets.' I asked him how it had happened and he said the boy was messing about and he got in the way. I praised him for being honest and then spoke to him about why what had happened was wrong. He became quickly agitated and didn't appear to pick up at all why it was wrong, unhygienic etc. We left it there and he watched the Oliver DVD in preparation for his audition.

This morning we woke Boy Wonder earlier and gave  him his medication and let him play a couple of  games on his tablet before getting up. This did seem to make a difference in the sense that he was a little calmer. Cat Girl was also up early this morning so it was fairly positive all round.

We arrived at school and I spoke with Boy Wonder's teacher and the Head about the toilet incident and the fact this was now the second incident of this nature. As a result we were very concerned about Boy Wonder's vulnerability. In particular because Boy Wonder showed a clear lack of insight to what had happened and was only concerned about getting his friend in trouble. The school appeared to share the concern and we agreed that Boy Wonder would be supported to and from the toilet and they would do some work on toilet behaviour.

Throughout the day we sought further advice just to clarify or not, the level of our concern. We were advised to notify the tribunal of the event as well as write to the school to clarify the actions agreed.

Superman picked the children up from after school club and I met them at home. Boy Wonder came home with a worksheet that he had done with a TA on the toilet incident where he had said that the whole thing was an accident and he had just nudged the other boy. I asked Boy Wonder about this because it was different to what he had said originally. He said that he had lied at school as he didn't want to get his friend in trouble. He then started worrying about getting in trouble for lying. I reassured him and said that we would talk about it tomorrow but as long as he told the truth he wouldn't be in trouble.  The book also said that Boy Wonder was upset about being escorted to and from the toilet and that he would tell his mum and she would stop it. I explained to Boy Wonder that it needed to happen to keep him safe not because he was in trouble. ' oh okay then,' he said!

Cat Girl settled down for bed and Boy Wonder and I did his Match Attax football cards and he practiced his audition piece before starting to settle.

We are looking forward to a stress free weekend!!


  1. Roll on summer holidays so you can chill out a little. I hope the audition goes well. Xx

  2. I can understand your disappointment in the family getting support - doesn't seem fair does it?
    Good luck bw for audition. MORE? YOU WANT MORE? Xxxx
