Monday 7 April 2014

My Brain Told Me To Do It

Boy Wonder was up early on Saturday and it wasn't long before he was bouncing around causing havoc! We herded him into the shower and after drying and dressing whilst he was jumping up and down, we headed off to dance.

Whilst Boy Wonder was dancing I nipped into town to get a birthday present for his little girlfriend's birthday, whose party we went to straight afterwards after picking up Cat Girl, who was also invited. Boy Wonder approved the present which was a heart necklace and ring. I had to buy Cat Girl a separate present up give as Boy Wonder wouldn't allow her to share his.

The party was a photo shoot and all girls. Boy Wonder did okay to say that he is naturally awful when it comes to photos! Cat Girl refused to participate for the first ten minutes but towards the end didn't want it to end. They had food and sang to the birthday girl. The candles set the fire alarm off but it soon stopped . Boy Wonder participated in the balloon games for a little while and then withdrew and sat down for the last half hour.

On the way home we discussed having a de clutter over the weekend and if they agreed to sell on some toys they could spend the money on something new for themselves. Boy Wonder stated that he wanted to buy an Xbox but wasn't too keen on getting rid of anything.

In the evening we went to a wedding reception for a colleague of mine. The children didn't know any of the other children but were pleasantly surprised by the sweetie table as was I! However the venue was hot, busy and noisy and so after the first half an hour, Boy Wonder escaped under the table and remained there for about three hours. During this time we asked him if he wanted to go home ( he didn't)gave him food and he played on his tablet. The last half an hour before leaving he decided to come out as it was less busy and he had a dance with the bride.

Sunday brought a day of decluttering which Boy Wonder didn't like one bit. He displayed very low mood and cried throughout the morning. We had allowed him to opt out and play with the neighbours but they weren't in so he became more and more agitated. It transpired that he didn't want to sell his castle but wanted the Xbox so he didn't know what to do.  We agreed that he keeps his castle but could sell some old imaginex toys that were in the loft. He appeared much happier after this  as he justified it by them being little boys toys that he no longer needed.   Cat Girl surprised us by how much she wanted to get rid of ( practically everything!) She is keen to do a Carboot next weekend!

The afternoon and evening was spent by grandparents and cousins visiting. They all seemed to get drafted into the declutter one way or another.  Once this was finished, I tackled the ironing pile whilst the children got their fill of Minecraft. Superman did a bit of work and then settled Boy Wonder and Cat Girl down for bed.

Today brought a school trip for Boy Wonder to an animal park. This meant a long coach drive which would clash with his medication wearing off on the way home. After battling with Boy Wonder to get him ready, we all left for school.

I spoke with Boy Wonder's teacher about the concerns over the trip home and she said that she would keep a close eye on him and pair him with a sensible child! I explained that I would expect his behaviour ( if displayed ) to be managed in a way that didn't involve shouting at him. She said she understood.

The trip apparantley went well ( I was told he was fine and Boy Wonder also stated he was fine,). We returned home, had tea and he went out to play with the neighbours on the trampoline. I took Cat Girl swimming but on our return I saw Boy Wonder running down the main road with the boy next door chasing after him.  He ran down the side of a houses  and I parked up and met him as he ran to the back of the houses where his friend lives.  I summonsed him inside and spoke to him about the dangers of being near the main road. He was very upset and ran upstairs to write me a note saying that he was leaving home. I gave him a few minutes to calm down and then we spoke. Boy Wonder stated that his brain tells him to do things and he has to do them. I explained the dangers of his actions and said that we will work together to get his brain to think about things before doing them. He settled down for bed as did Cat Girl. Boy Wonder was still quite angry .

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