Thursday 10 April 2014


The tribunal deadline is closing in so we are finding ourselves attending a lot of meetings and appointments, reading reports and distributing paperwork. It is turning into a full time job! We have been through a tribunal before to get Boy Wonder a statutory assessment but this time we are 'fighting' for a statement. This has gone from simply asking for some additional support to accepting the growing reality that Boy Wonder 's needs cannot be met in the current provision and so therefore alternatives need to be identified.   This is because the assessments completed have identified specific difficulties and strategies required that aren't normally available in a mainstream provision, I.e sensory diet.

The school holidays are peppered with hospital appointments to finalise reports and to digest the independent reports received which are very specific with their recommendations that Boy Wonder does indeed need full time specialist intervention.

The last week of school before the holidays has been hard work. The changes in routine, the panic of forgotten projects, school trips and the general excitement of Easter has taken it toll.  We are determined however that the children will get an Easter break, despite the huge amount of appointments and the inward panic that we are feeling that everything is completed within deadlines.

Boy Wonder and his friend are going on an adventure day which looks like great fun. We are all going away to London for a couple of days to go to the theatre ( Boy Wonder's favourite place) to see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and the museums. We will do what we can to mask the madness that is really going on. On this occasion we can learn from the Master - Boy Wonder!!

1 comment:

  1. It seems a shame that you have to go to court to sort these things. Hope your Easter break goes well xx
