Thursday 3 July 2014

Second Skin

The week so far has been madness on a stick! The new medication is not making any in roads so far and Boy Wonder's ability to stay in control is diminishing rapidly.

On Tuesday I had a meeting with his teacher after school to discuss the changing situation and if we felt that there was anything we could do in the short term to make things easier. We didn't come up with much but it was a nice chat and served as a 'bonding session' if little else. I then went to pick the children up from after school club and was met by disgruntled staff after Boy Wonder had kicked his foot through a Perspex window in the playhouse whilst playing Cops and Robbers. When I got there he looked as high as a kite. They explained that he had been told off, looked suitably ashamed and was made to sit down for twenty minutes. I attempted to explain that Boy Wonder knows the script of what to say when 'told off' but being in control of his impulses was an entirely different thing . He was clearly not in control at the point of collection. I apologised and offered to pay for the damage before we left. I later spoke to Boy Wonder who said that he realised it was wrong when he had done it but he was playing a game and hasn't thought about what he was doing.

Wednesday ended with a crash landing too. I picked him up from school with Cat Girl and was asked to come to the classroom to collect him. Boy Wonder was very high and his teacher was trying to reason with him to calm him. However, this bounced off of him and when I tried to get into his head, no luck either.   We left and got into the car which again was no easy task.

The school days are starting to form a pattern now of uncontrolled behaviour in the afternoons. We have been advised to use 'second skin' products by the O.T which are a tight fit breathable Lycra and shorts. This is to provide him with constant sensory feedback throughout the day and keep him calm. We also had a meeting today to discuss matters and were relieved to hear the teacher tell the meeting how difficult things are becoming and going into great detail about the typical school day, some of which we weren't aware of the extent. She described the level of parroting which is now loud and repetitive, the self chastising ' I'm a bad boy.' which again is repetitive and the high level of fidgeting and general movement during quiet times. We concluded that the statement will go to support his needs more intensely so would need to wait for the proposed document. The Ed Psych then took the opportunity to announce the end of his involvement at the meetings!

On collecting the children from school, Cat Girl didn't seem too well and was complaining of a number of aches and pains. We went to get Boy Wonder who was firmly planted on the classroom ceiling! The TA was attempting to contain him as he was trying to hand out water bottles to anyone and everyone. As I attempted to stop him he bolted out of the classroom, caught Cat Girl on the head and made her cry and then started to strip off his clothes! I consoled Cat Girl and quickly went to re dress Boy Wonder who by now was showing everyone his second skin and trying to remove it. We then fought our way to the car and I bundled him in. After Cat Girl got into the car, I checked her again and shut the door. The TA came past and we had a brief chat about what had just happened. She then calmly pointed out that I may have to fasten Boy Wonder back into his seat. I turned round to see his feet poking out of the boot where he had dived head first into it from the back seat! After saying goodbye and sorting out Boy Wonder, we went to dance.

The dance activity was okay behavioural wise. Cat Girl didn't go to Ju Jitsu as she didn't look too good so instead we nipped into town for some more loom bands and then sat waiting for Boy Wonder to finish. Afterwards he went to football training and on arrival home seemed to be a bit calmer! Hopefully he will sleep tonight, I know I will!

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard if the second skin before. Hope it does good before he strips it off again xx. Ps hope cg okay
