Sunday 13 July 2014

Inspirational Lady

Apologies for the lack of 'blog' over the past week. As a family we are currently caring for one of our elder relatives who's health has deteriorated recently. I have a background in health care so it has been rather refreshing to use this experience again and give a bit of a hand to a very inspirational if not fiercely independent,  lady. It is these events that happen to shed light on what is important and remind us that it is the small things that make a difference, I.e being there and listening to and respecting others wishes.

Sat in this lady's home yesterday, I wrote a letter. To people that know her, they will know that many a letter has been written here, usually to make known her thoughts on certain matters! However she wasn't a moaner but more of a stickler for fairness and correct practice. My letter was to the Local Authority because last week we received a notification from the Tribunal that they had attempted to appeal the tribunal decision to order a statement, but this had been rejected.  We felt that this not only reinforced our point  that they don't get it, but more than that is the fact that the whole process has been brought about by their negligence and their practice, we believe is discriminatory. And after the letter had been drafted it felt like the right thing to do. We only get one shot at life so we need to make it count.

Thankfully, Boy Wonder has had a reasonable week. Apart from becoming very frustrated with play practice at school due to it turning the routine on its head, with additional movement breaks and time out he got through! We can also look forward to the return of some normality as the World Cup finishes tonight so no more late night matches.

Cat Girl went on her school trip this week which caused a great deal of excitement. She talked about it for days before and loved every minute of it, although she mainly spoke about the toilets! Unfortunately the next morning she was sick everywhere in true Cat Girl fashion which resulted in two days off school.

We received both school reports at the end of the week. Cat Girl's was excellent and a true reflection of how she is coming out of her shell. A really nice read as we do worry about the stuff she has to deal with sometimes and how this affects her. She's a tough little soul and makes us very proud.
Boy Wonder's report was also very good but appeared very generic and certainly not a true representation of him. I get that they like to give positive reports but I do think that they need to be realistic too. ' a happy and settled member of the class,' really?!

Last night Boy Wonder performed in the Jungle Book at his theatre group which was apparently very good. We are going to see it tonight and really looking forward to it. Will let you know how great if is in the next blog.

1 comment:

  1. As a member of the audience last night, I can confirm that Boy Wonder did really well, and clearly enjoyed himself.
