Thursday 17 July 2014

It's not a Celebration!

Sunday night's Jungle Book performance was excellent although Boy Wonder appeared very agitated and aggressive before hand and particularly inattentive and hyper during the show. Towards the end he became vacant, his arms dropped and he stared into space for about ten seconds. He then came round and joined back in. Typically this wasn't the performance that was being filmed! The drama teacher reported that he was very difficult to manage back stage.

The school week started again and Boy Wonder immediately struggled, reported by teachers to be getting to lunch time and then becoming difficult to manage. This was exasibated further by the death of our elderly relative, relentless rehearsal for the school performance and the excitement of Superman's birthday.

Boy Wonder has always had an obsession/ irrational fear of death and we have historically managed it by explaining that old people do die and go to heaven. He accepts this to a degree but couldn't understand why the adults needed to be there and why a Doctor was being called if she was already dead. ( We had just left with the view to return that evening, leaving her with another relative.) Super Gran who was babysitting explained that it was to issue a death certificate. Boy Wonder clearly didn't understand this and stated that death wasn't a celebration so why did she want a certificate?!

The next morning Boy Wonder was very quiet and as soon as he got to school found the TA and hugged her and cried. The afternoon became very difficult to manage as Boy Wonder was clearly not in control of his emotions. This resulted in him having to be taken out of the school performance as he was shouting out, parroting and laying all over the stage. When I picked him up, he was climbing and attempting to jump off of the railings, throwing himself on the floor and baring his teeth and growling at the teacher when she was trying to support him. This resulted in her helping me to the car with Boy  Wonder and Cat Girl and voicing that she felt quite helpless.

Last night was the evening of the school show so we went home, made Superman a birthday cake and  then got ready to leave.  Boy Wonder was clearly agitated on arrival back at school but to be fair seemed to hold it together fairly well. However on leaving, he hit full throttle and took a long while to settle.

Today I spoke with the ADHD nurse about the difficulties at school due to the end of term turmoil. She was very informative, giving advice on increased time out and shorter days at school for the remaining time as well as other techniques that may help. She also offered to talk to the school directly which I agreed to readily. Hopefully this will help even a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your loss. Bw does seem to have a lot to deal with at the moment. Sounds like you got some support from the nurse - let's hope it helps xx
