Saturday 4 January 2014

The makings of an Obsessional Interest

The start of Friday wasn't great. A very high Boy Wonder versus a very mardy Cat Girl who had been found wide awake late last night, cuddling her kitten! Boy Wonder bounced around the house whilst I attempted to dry and dress him, not an easy task!  I decided to pass on the next big task of breakfast on to Super Gran and Biker Gramps who were on babysitting duty for the day.

We arrived at the Grandparents, Boy Wonder laden with his lap top, DS and Minecraft books and Cat  Girl crying and stropping because I was going to work and she was tired. A few messages received throughout the day suggested that Cat Girl had cheered up and Boy Wonder was engaging in activities. He later played Minecraft with his cousin and uncle. They stopped for tea and I picked them up afterwards.

That evening, Cat Girl was very giddy and over tired. She went up to bed fairly soon after getting in ( without the kitten!) and was asleep soon after. Boy Wonder seemed distracted and skittish. He finally came to settle down on my lap. We spoke about the next few days and that he would be going back to school on Tuesday, just to try and give him a timeframe. He responded angrily by saying ' I hate school. I am not going back!' I asked him if there was any particular reason and he said ' I just hate it, alright and you can't make me go !' Wonderful ! I explained to Boy Wonder that Mummy and Daddy know that he finds school difficult and that we are trying to do everything we can to help make things better for him, but this could take some time. He said that he knew but that was all he said. I lightened the conversation up by saying ' Well we don't need to talk about this now as we still have some holiday time left.'  He fidgeted some more, got up for snacks and finally fell to sleep about 11ish.

This morning we left Boy Wonder to lie in. He had, had an unsettled night as usual. When up and about he was high and erratic. Jumping around, singing and shouting whilst dressing, eating breakfast and getting ready for the day. Superman took Boy Wonder to his activity group that started at 11am until 4pm. He was very excited.

Cat Girl and I took down the Christmas decorations and then did some baking. Superman returned home and started to strip the bedroom walls. We had a very productive day. Boy Wonder returned from his activity and seemed to have a good time. He wanted to know immediately what the football scores were and then started looking for wrestling figures on the Internet. He seemed to be in a good frame of mind and was engaging with us.

The evening Grandparents visited. Boy Wonder remained in his bedroom throughout the visit. Although we attempted to get him downstairs on a couple of occasions, he quickly made his excuses and went back to his room again. This evening he is watching Minecraft videos on the Internet. It seems that Minecraft is becoming a bit obsessional. Something to monitor I think.

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