Wednesday 3 September 2014

Sticky buns and Crabbing

After a busy day we decided to opt for a beach day. We prepared a picnic and drove down to the beach a bit further up from the site. The intention was to go crabbing but the harbour car park was very busy so we headed straight for the beach. 

It was a very hot day, in the late 20's which was nice for the first couple of hours but then became unbearable. The children played in the sand and went into the sea. We had ice cream after the picnic and then after a while headed back to the cars. The planes were flying overhead on their way too and from the air show.   Super Man managed some good shots of planes that he had missed yesterday so was very pleased. 

Back at site we all met at the swimming pool before dinner. The children tried out the steam room and sauna with us. Boy Wonder especially liked them and returned with me a couple of times. The pool outside was nice but cool and the indoor pool was quite small but they kept us entertained for a while. 

Once showered and dressed we agreed with Boy Wonder that he could play on the park outside the changing rooms whilst I dried Cat Girl's hair and Superman took the swim stuff back to the van. However, when we went to the park he wasn't there. Superman found him wandering around back inside near the pool tables. He became agitated, thinking that he was in trouble and climbed on the roof of the play equipment, threatening to jump off ( it was quite high.) I talked him down, reassuring him that he wasn't in trouble but we were worried about him. Once down we sat on the bench and talked to him about wandering off and why he shouldn't do it. His anxiety soared and he attempted to bolt. I held him and attempted to reassure him but he fought me all the way. Super Man took over and between us we managed the firm hold technique to bring him down. He was also given his top up medication at this point.  If we would have let him go he would have run off or climbed back up high. He had little to no control of himself so it wasn't an option .  After a few of minutes of fighting us and a further couple of minutes of calming, he went off to play for a little while before going into the restaurant for dinner. 

In the restaurant Boy Wonder still appeared to be quite agitated but this settled down after a short while and he managed to eat his dinner.

Afterwards Boy Wonder and Boy Genius had a couple of games of pool which they played really well. We then headed back to the caravan to settle down. Boy Wonder struggled to settle and was up a couple of times through the night, eventually managing a few hours of broken sleep.

Monday was market day at the local town so we went to have a look around. The weather was changeable to say the least but we managed to have a look at the stalls. We bought the children a sticky bun to walk round with but Boy Wonder became quite preoccupied by the fact that they had been left out on the stall and were they clean? Luckily his has come from an enclosed tray behind the stall but he may have had a point about the others!   The boys purchased a friendship band for each other and a toy car each and Cat Girl bought a cat (of course!) 

A couple of us split from the group to go and look for other things and with Boy Wonder and Boy Genius we went through the underpass to see what was on the other side. It started to rain and plans were quickly changed which meant turning round and heading back through the underpass. Both Boy Wonder and Boy Genius became upset by this as they didn't seem to grasp the need for the  change and we didn't explain it very well. After some work to explain what was now happening Boy Wonder started to settle. We ate lunch in the car whilst waiting for the rain to pass and the went onto the park. It was clear that Boy Wonder's tolerance levels were very low and we would need to firm up our plans somewhat to give him some security.  

We went crabbing before returning back to the caravan to make tea. Crabbing was great fun and once the first crab was caught, Boy Wonder settled into it quite nicely. Cat Girl was not at all keen on the crabs but was happy to hold the net. 

Tea was nice and relaxed. Boy Wonder and Boy Genius spent quite a bit of the evening in the bedroom playing Minecraft but seemed happy enough until it was time for Boy Genius and family to leave for bed. 

Another unsettled night for Boy Wonder.....

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