Friday 19 September 2014

Challenges and Erruptions

The last two days of school involved similar challenges to that of the first day back. Boy Wonder was clearly overstimulated and this resulted in shouting out in class, using bad words and generally struggling to concentrate for any length of time.

On collection from school on Thursday, he became so high in the playground that his teacher again took him inside. After collecting Cat Girl, we collected him and I was helped to get him to the car. There had been a particular incident during the afternoon which erupted once in the car and consequently lasted for a couple of hours. I took him to dance where he managed a short amount of time but then spent some time out with one of the tutors. He rejoined the group for the final ten minutes.

Friday appeared to be a fairly settled day in comparison. Boy Wonder and Cat Girl went to after school club for a short while until Superman finished work and then came home and played outside. All seemed to be going well until Boy Wonder erupted into a shouting and hitting out frenzy. The other children ran off and we didn't see them again all weekend!

The weekend was a bit more settled with football and dance on Saturday and a five mile bike ride on the Sunday. We visited Super Gran and Biker Gramps new house after the bike ride. The house is still empty and was echoey which sent Boy Wonder straight up! We only stayed for half an hour but he remained high but agitated for the remainder of the night.

The second week back at school seemed to be no different to the first. The afternoons brought a loud and distracted yet distracting Boy Wonder. On Tuesday the decision was made to collect Cat Girl and Boy Wonder from the classrooms rather than the playground as Boy Wonder going into the play ground was becoming an impossible task.

Oliver rehearsals increased to twice weekly this week which meant added concentration for Boy Wonder. Luckily the adult cast are now becoming more involved with the children to join the scenes together. Boy Wonder found the sessions really interesting and enjoyable and can now see how it is all working.

Wednesday night was consequently a late night but once settled he slept.

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