Monday 8 September 2014

Getting Ready for the Return to School

The journey home was fairly straight forward except for a loo and change stop for Boy Wonder. We are noticing the day time incontinence creep back in as school looms.

We arrived home just before tea time and Boy Wonder went straight to his room for some Minecraft time. We unpacked and then all had a Chinese takeaway for tea. As it was getting late, Boy Wonder and Cat Girl settled down although Boy Wonder took quite some time to go to sleep.

We opted for a stay at home weekend in an attempt to allow Boy Wonder time to settle and to get some jobs done around the house. We weighed Boy Wonder on Saturday morning to find that he had lost a further Kilogram. We thought that he had lost weight and this confirmed it. We had a chat with him about having some build up shakes in the day and using a tonic. He agreed to give it a go and to also have them at school.

School stuff was checked and packed. Boy Wonder had chosen a new school bag that he liked and was happy when it arrived. Apparently it was very cool. He said little as we sorted through everything but later his mood deteriorated and he became anxious and agitated over the slightest thing.

The piano we ordered arrived on Sunday morning and although he was pleased to see it, Boy Wonder wouldn't play on it at all. He said that he had to get used to it first. We spent Sunday afternoon tidying out the garage. Both children helped and worked hard. I told them that they could share out and keep any money that they found. They managed a total of 20p! After dinner we watched a film together which was nice.  It was the Lorax and they found it highly amusing!

Monday - the last day of freedom! After a couple of little errands we spent the day around the house and in the garden. Boy Wonder was very tetchy and tearful throughout the day so I just let him do his own thing. By late afternoon he came round a little and had a go on the piano which he really seemed to enjoy. We then went to Oliver rehearsals. This was in the smaller room now and it made such a difference. He was able to focus through the majority of the practice and said that he enjoyed it.

A difficult night for settling down. Tears and upset alongside him being very clingy. Hopefully he will manage a few hours sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping school is more settled this term. Glad you got the piano sorted x
