Wednesday 8 October 2014

High Risk

Sincere apologies for the lack of 'blog.' It has been a turbulent eight days in a lot of ways. Last week concluded with a grande finale where the behaviour scale hit a 10. Superman picked up Boy Wonder quite literally that day and removed him from school. Boy Wonder has taken to bolting out of the place he is in, into his classroom and running around it at high speed. A game of cat and mouse then ensues before he is either caught or he runs out again. He has also escalated this to bolting out of the school main door. Eeek! He is now wearing an 'Alert me' band!

In comparison the weekend was reasonable. Saturday was spent at football where they won again, dance which was non eventful and then onto a super car afternoon. I had bought a high speed passenger lap package for Boy Wonder and a supercar drive for Superman last Christmas and we hadn't got around to booking them until now. Boy Wonder chose a Ferrai and Superman an Aerial Atom. They signed up and Superman was given the insurance spiel. BoyWonder became quite upset that his Daddy was refusing insurance and set to work telling him that he must have it as it is very likely that he will crash. In the end Superman gave into the pressure and bought the insurance, much to Boy Wonder's relief. The super car team asked if Boy Wonder would like to come and work with them as he seemed very well informed about super car safety. That would certainly bump up their insurance sales! Boy Wonder went in the Ferrari for four speed laps reaching 155mph. He came away absolutely buzzing from the experience. He seemed to know an awful lot about the car when he had finished so probably interrogated the driver at high speed! Superman drove the Atom which looked nothing more than a kitted up go kart. It was very fast and he got a score of 87/100 for good control which is apparently very good for that car. He was impressed and wanted it writing on his certificate!

We went on to Pizza Hut for tea which went well until it suddenly became busy. Boy Wonder then retreated to the floor in the corner of the restaurant, behind our table. He put his headphones in and stayed there. The pizzas came out and he rejoined us at the table, his ability to cope quickly deteriorating. We quickened the pace, did the dutiful ice cream machine and whilst Cat Girl finished off, I took Boy Wonder outside to calm. The table next to us with the well behaved child appeared quite bewildered by Boy Wonder's oddity, although I was hoping that even they could see that a child  rocking, hiding in corners and bolting at every given opportunity was a little more than just 'bad' behaviour.

On Sunday we went to an autism friendly viewing of Dolphin Tale 2 as Boy Wonder loves dolphins. It was a good job we did this as he would have been thrown out of a standard viewing! He loved the film and talked about all of the facts about dolphins that he knew ( which are many!) whilst rocking, jumping about, climbing and random bear hug grabs at Cat Girl. He did become quite distressed with a girl who was shouting during the performance. She appeared to have little verbal communication so what she verbalised made no sense to him. We spoke about it after and he said that he thought she was stupid for being so noisy. I asked him what others thought about his behaviour and he was unable to make the connection at all, even when I spelt it out. One for another time I think.

In the evening we went to the local theatre where Boy Wonder goes,  to watch 'A Night at the Musicals.'  He was able to sit through this with plenty of snacks and his friend with him. They both sang along and danced all the way through which gave him an energy outlet, Cat Girl fell to sleep in the second half.

Over the weekend we did some work on behaviours and exploring ideas of what Boy Wonder can do instead of things that he is doing now. We sat together and he engaged for about 25 minutes with some well thought out input. We spoke again about the cinema experience and agreed that he would take the work to school to show his TA. 

The school week started badly with an escalation in anxiety induced behaviour. So much so
 that on Monday, Boy Wonder was excluded from school for being uncontrollable. It was a temporary exclusion from 1.20pm until the following morning. Superman picked him up as he was closer than me but when he got there he said that he had to physically prise him off of a TA who had put herself between him and another child. There had also been another exit from the school by Boy Wonder. He is now catagorised as high risk.

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