Saturday 9 August 2014

Quite a Change

We intentionally used Sunday as a day to relax. Boy Wonder stayed around the house and played whilst I took Cat Girl to her riding lesson. She is really coming on now and riding with such confidence.

The day was police free but we had a few family visitors coming to make sure all is okay which was sweet. We later had friends over for tea who we hadn't seen for a while. The lady I have known for a number of years, initially through work but then she started to do some sessions with Boy Wonder and did this for a few years up until her retirement. She particularly focused on his autism and anxiety levels, working through solutions with him using visuals.

Later in the evening she commented that she had noticed quite a change in Boy Wonder's presentation. He seemed to be a lot less able to mask his difficulties and although was coping better with some things I.e joking and not winning every game of Top Trumps,' he didn't engage in conversation throughout dinner and was avoidant of all requests to join in. Although difficult to hear from someone who has known Boy Wonder so well, it was also a relief that it wasn't just us seeing this. ( it doesn't seem to matter how 'experienced' you become as parents of kids with ASD, you always seem to doubt your own judgement on your child's development/ regression, I guess it's natural!)

The week lent itself to some Club Inspire activities for Boy Wonder, a day bike riding with Boy Genius and some time with his 1:1 worker. It was a nice week of activities and towards the end of the week he seemed to be showing signs of being more settled. The Oliver rehearsal went very well as did his first proper football training session of the season.

I spoke with Boy Wonder's Consultant in the week who has increased his medication for ADHD a little in an attempt to gage the right dose before going back to school. She said she will then move the increase on to his 8 hour release medication as he cannot be medicated at school. ( school policy) She is going to see him towards the end of August for a full review. The blood tests came back clear except for one of the thyroid functions bring slightly out. This needs retesting in 3-6 months. The Coeliac test results aren't back yet.

As for the burgulary, Boy Wonder has given everyone a detailed description of events which means that he has now processed it and is starting to cope. The new doors are ordered, the alarm is being sorted and the insurance have done their sums. We are now left with the task of replacing the property stolen as they don't replace goods anymore just give the agreed monetary value.

So today we are off shopping. This will be a very structured trip and will consist of games console shops, electrical shops and a restaurant. We are then going to fetch a bike rack for the car on the way home.

Next week is the deadline for the complaint response to the local authority as well as a meeting that needs to be set up to discuss the statement. But for now we will enjoy the weekend and deal with the madness of next week when it arrives!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see things getting back to normal, hope you got your shopping sorted. Having an alarm will reassure you all I'm sure. Which won xbox or ps4? Xx
