Tuesday 12 August 2014

Not for Kids!

Saturday turned out to be a good day. We went over to a large shopping complex to look for a new games console. We hadn't been there before but chose this one because it was close to a bike rack that we needed to collect.

It wasn't too busy but the echo was immediately obvious. This is something that Boy Wonder doesn't cope well with at all and after a period of time will usually result in sensory overload. We had previously agreed to go to two shops, both to look for a console. The first shop was very helpful, the second shop had little to offer. We went for lunch whilst we made a decision on which to buy, however the restaurant was more echoey than ever so we encouraged Boy Wonder to sit there with his earphones in. This seemed to help. After eating, Superman took Boy Wonder a walk outside whilst Cat Girl and I finished and settled the bill.

The XBox One was the console that we decided on so we went back to buy it and got a very good deal on all the bits needed to go with it. Cat Girl also had her DS replaced and the new 'Olaf' game. The shop assistant proceeded to sing the Olaf song to her which she thought was hilarious. Boy Wonder gave him an odd look and then looked to us to give him an idea on what would be the appropriate reaction. To be fair we weren't sure either! 

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to set up the new console. Superman couldn't quite get his head around how flipping complicated it was. ' How is this for kids?!' The point is that these things haven't been for kids since the days of the Sega Mega Drive. These new contraptions are for students and geeks! Eventually after a couple of phone calls and a raft of emails, it was up and running. 

Boy Wonder went to an adventure day yersterday at the centre where he went to during the last holidays. He really enjoyed it and was most amused that he had to be rescued from the bank of the canal as his foot sunk in the mud. Once he had been pulled out, his wellie needed rescuing which caused great delight. Luckily the next stop was Cat Girl's swimming lesson so he had a shower whilst he waited. 

Today Boy Wonder went out with his 1:1 worker. They went to laser quest and to the cinema, however on the way home he fell asleep and on return home looked quite pale. We went to Oliver rehearsals but he started to look ill although couldn't say what was wrong (which is typical for Boy Wonder.) Eventually though he recognised that his tummy hurt and became very clingy. We decided to leave a little early and come home. 

Once home, Boy Wonder went to bed and although he stayed there and looked very tired, he remained awake and agitated, requiring lots if reassurance. 

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